10 Antioxidants Super Foods

The best way to stay healthy is to eat a wide variety of vitamin-rich foods. But eating a wide variety of foods can sometimes be difficult in our on-the-go culture.

Enter super foods. These are the Michael Jordans of the food world. They’re packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, which minimize the cell damage that may lead to heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s, and other diseases. Eating them can help you feel more assured that you’re getting what you need from your diet.
Super Foods or Supplements

Many people believe that they need to take pricey dietary supplements to get all the vitamins and minerals they need. But nutrients work best in your body when you get them the natural way: in the amounts found in foods and balanced with other nutrients.

A high dose of one vitamin or mineral from a supplement can interfere with how your body absorbs or uses another important vitamin or mineral.

For example, high-dose iron supplements can cause your body to not absorb as much zinc as you may need. And not getting enough zinc can cause problems with some key functions of the immune system. On the other hand, too much zinc can interfere with copper absorption.

Another problem is that supplements can interact or interfere with medications such as antibiotics and diuretics.

Nutrient-dense super foods offer a better bang for your buck. Most of our top 10 are healthy foods that also have hidden benefits. Eat them every day to boost your intake of vitamins, minerals, and other key nutrients that benefit the body and the immune system.


Super Food 1: Purple, Red, and Blue Grapes

Grapes, especially dark-colored ones, are loaded with phytochemicals, antioxidants that may help protect against cancer and heart disease. Two of those phytochemicals, anthocyanin and proanthocyanidin, may be especially good for your immune system. Grapes also contain vitamin C and selenium.

Super Food 2: Blueberries

Recent animal studies suggest that blueberries may help protect cells from damage and lower inflammation. Blueberries contain many of the vitamins and minerals known to strengthen the immune system, along with key phytochemicals that may help protect against cancer and heart disease.

Super Food 3: Red Berries

Berries, especially raspberries and strawberries, contain ellagic acid, another phytochemical that may help protect against cancer-causing agents in the diet and the environment.

Super Food 4: Nuts

Nuts are one of the most balanced foods on the planet. They offer a good dose of “healthy” fats along with a smaller amount of protein and carbohydrate. Each type of nut offers a unique profile of minerals, phytochemicals, and types of fat. Walnuts are the highest in plant omega-3s, for example, while Brazil nuts are best for selenium.

Most nuts also contain phytochemicals such as resveratrol and plant sterols, which help lower cholesterol. nuts

Super Food 5: Dark Green Veggies

Popeye had a point: It’s tough to compete with the nutritional muscle of broccoli and spinach. Kale and collard greens are also members of the esteemed dark green vegetable group.

These super veggies are high in nutrients that help fight disease, including vitamins C, E, and A, and calcium. They’re also loaded with magnesium and potassium.

Need another reason to go green? These veggies are brimming with antioxidant phytochemicals such as kaempferol, which may help dilate blood vessels and may have cancer-fighting properties. Leeks, lettuce, and kale provide lutein and quercetin, both strong antioxidants.

Super Food 6: Sweet Potatoes and Orange Vegetables

Move over, russet potatoes. There’s a new tuber in town. All across America, sweet potatoes are creeping onto menus. Sweet potato fries are nudging traditional fries off restaurant plates.
Both white and sweet potatoes provide important nutrients such as vitamins C and B6, potassium, and fiber. But sweet potatoes have more of these nutrients. They also bring to the table key nutrients such as calcium and whopping amounts of vitamin A.

Other orange vegetables are nutrient-rich and packed with phytochemicals as well. Carrots are famously high in vitamin A, while butternut and acorn squash are tops in vitamins A and C.


Super Food 7: Tea

With one sip of tea, you get two potent phytochemicals — anthocyanin and pro anthocyanin. Both are antioxidants that help fight inflammation.  Add to that a healthy dose of catechins, antioxidants that are thought to block cell damage that can lead to cancer.

That’s just the beginning. Green tea, in particular, contributes many other protective phytochemicals. The catechin epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), which is especially abundant in green tea, is a particularly potent antioxidant. If you are sensitive to small amounts of caffeine, look for the decaf options. tea

Super Food 8: Whole Grains

Making this one dietary change may significantly improve your health: Switch to whole grains. For example, eat whole grain bread instead of white bread, wild or brown rice instead of white rice, corn tortillas instead of flour tortillas.
Some research has shown that people who eat at least one serving of whole grains a day have a lower risk of heart disease and stroke. Whole grains deliver zinc and selenium, in addition to phytochemicals thought to help protect against heart disease and cancer.

Super Food 9: Beans

The lowly bean is tops in antioxidant activity. It offers an amazing package of nutrients, including many vitamins and minerals. Green soybeans and soy provide vitamin C, calcium, zinc, and selenium. Lentils and black-eyed peas are rich in folate and zinc. Black beans and kidney beans also offer a good amount of folate.

Super Food 10: Fish

Fish provides powerful omega-3 fatty acids. Evidence suggests that omega-3s, particularly those coming from fish, may help prevent inflammatory diseases, such as coronaryheart disease. Although all fish have some omega-3s, the stars include sardines, salmon, oysters, mackerel, tuna steak, wild rainbow trout, shark steak, albacore tuna, and herring. Fish also offers an essential nutrient that’s hard to find in food: vitamin D.  Skip sticks and deep fried fish, and go fresh when possible, two or three times a week. fish

It is All About Belly… The Facts!

Is it true that some foods go straight to your midsection, creating the dreaded muffin top? And can certain foods help you battle the bulge? The following facts may help you to find it out!


    ✔   Belly fat is worse for you than fat elsewhere on your body?

True  >>> Excess accumulation of belly fat is more dangerous than excess fat around your hips and thighs. Belly fat is associated with serious health problems, such as heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes. Your genes can contribute to your being overweight and help determine where you carry this extra fat, but poor lifestyle choices are likely to worsen the issue.

    ✗   Fatty foods, such as butter, cheese, and fatty meats, are the biggest cause of belly fat?

Wrong: Eating high-fat foods is not helpful, but excess calories of any kind can increase your waistline and contribute to belly fat. Still, there is no single cause of belly fat. Genetics, diet, age, and lifestyle can all play a role. Changing dietary habits can help you fight the battle of the bulge and fight belly fat: Read labels, reduce saturated fats, increase the amount of fruits and veggies you eat, and control and reduce your portions.

    ✔  Calories from alcohol are worse for belly fat than other calories.

True >>> Excess calories — whether from alcohol, sweetened beverages, or oversized portions of food — can increase belly fat. Our bodies need calories, yet gram for gram, alcohol has almost as many calories as fat.  Alcohol does seem to have a particular association with an increased waistline, though. In general, that’s because when you drink alcohol, your liver is too busy burning off alcohol to burn off fat, leaving you with a beer belly. Studies show that alcohol can cause you to feel hungry by affecting hormones that regulate a sense of satiety.

    ✔ Trans fats not only can make you gain weight, but also can move fat from other parts of your body to your belly.

True >>> Researchers at Wake Forest University found that trans fats, which are created by partially hydrogenated oil, increase the amount of fat around the belly and redistribute fat tissue to the abdomen from other parts of the body. Trans fats may be found in such foods as margarine, pastries, cookies and crackers, and fried and convenience foods.

    ✔ Green tea, blueberries  and soy promise for fighting belly fat?

True >>> Green tea, in combination with exercise, could help you lose weight, according to the Journal of Nutrition. Researchers think substances in green tea known as catechins stimulate the body to burn calories and enhance loss of belly fat. Blueberries also show promise, albeit in rodents. In one study, rats bred to become obese were fed either a high-fat diet or a low-fat diet rich in blueberries. Rats fed a blueberry-rich diet had less abdominal fat.


    ✔ Fast food can contribute to belly fat because the items are often High in fat Calorie-dense and Overeaten ?

True >>> Many fast food options are typically high-fat, calorie-dense foods that are eaten in large portions — all of which contribute to over-consumption of calories, weight gain, and an increase in belly fat when eaten frequently. Many fast food restaurants don’t provide nutritional information, but studies have shown that when this is available, people tend to pick lower-calorie meals.

    ✘   Substituting diet soft drinks for regular soft drinks is a good way to trim belly fat?

Wrong: According to the American Heart Association, “soft drinks and other sugar-sweetened beverages are the No. 1 source of added sugars in the American diet.” Added sugars mean added calories – something you want to avoid to help with weight loss and cut down on belly fat. Yet, high-fructose corn syrup has gradually replaced refined sugar as the main sweetener in soft drinks and has been blamed as a potential contributor to the obesity epidemic.

✘ Does switching to diet sodas help?

Wrong: Although some research has suggested that people who drink artificially sweetened sodas as part of a calorie-restricted diet do lose weight, other studies have suggested that diet soft drinks could even lead to weight gain. For now, there’s no conclusive evidence either way.

    ✔ To help trim your waistline, you should eat a diet high in fiber?

True >>> To trim your waistline, add whole grains to your diet. For example, choose brown or wild rice instead of white rice. Refined and other highly processed foods can contribute to weight gain and interfere with weight loss. A study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed that a calorie-controlled diet rich in whole grains can trim extra fat from the waistline of obese subjects.

    ✔ Studies suggest you can trim your waistline by replacing refined grains with Popcorn?

True >>> Couscous, spaghetti, and corn flakes are made from refined grains (though whole grain options may be available). But popcorn is a whole grain food that can boost fiber. The best way to prepare popcorn is with an air-popper, which requires no oil for cooking. Read labels to see what oils have been added to microwave popcorn.
All else being equal, though, whole grains are better than refined grains because they tend to be high in fiber and take longer to digest. This satisfies your hunger better and helps lower blood glucose levels and reduce fat.

    ✔ True  Men tend to collect more belly fat than women.

>>> Overall, men tend to store fat in the abdominal area more than women do, thanks to sex hormone differences. Before age 40, women tend to store most of their fat in the hips, thighs, and buttocks. After 40, as estrogen levels drop, body fat is redistributed to the abdomen.

✘ Belly fat is harder to lose than fat elsewhere on your body.

Wrong: When you lose weight, you’re much more likely to lose it in your midsection. Losing weight on a well-balanced plan will melt body fat, including belly fat. The best way to decrease your waist size is through healthy eating and regular exercise.

✘  Spot exercise, such as sit-ups or crunches, target belly fat.


Doing sit-ups, crunches, or other abdominal exercises will strengthen your core muscles and help you lose fat, but they don’t specifically work on belly fat. In other words, spot exercise won’t decrease belly fat. The only way to lose belly fat (or any kind of fat) is through dieting and exercise. Aerobic exercises, such as running, swimming, cycling, and tennis, are some of the best to help reduce body fat.

    ✔ Belly fat has been linked to all of the following health problems:

– Heart disease
– Osteoporosis
– Dementia
True >>> Belly fat appears to be especially bad for the heart. Studies have linked belly fat to heart failure, atherosclerosis, and other cardiovascular problems. It also has been associated with osteoporosis, dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes, colorectal cancer, metabolic syndrome, high blood pressure, and other health problems.

    ✘   Replacing saturated fats with monounsaturated fats, replacing refined grains with whole grains and eating more protein and fewer carbohydrates are the best plan for reducing belly fat?

Wrong: Cutting calories and getting more physical activities are the best! Most scientific evidence suggests that a calorie-controlled diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, low-fat dairy, beans, nuts, seeds, lean meat, fish, eggs, and poultry is the foundation for a diet that provides all the nutrients you need while helping to whittle your waistline. Weight loss experts recommend combining this diet with 30 to 60 minutes of exercise most days of the week.

The Best and Worst Appetizers

Here we go…..APPETIZER! A small dish of food taken before a meal to stimulate your appetite. Once served, everyone will grab it.
In the following paragraph will mention about The Best and Worst Appetizers. Take a look!

WORST: Onion Blossom


It may be your waistline that blossoms if you’re a fan of fried onions. “It’s good to start off with a vegetable,” says Joan Salge Blake, RD, a spokeswoman for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. “But once you fry it, you’re frying in calories.” The onion blossom at one popular restaurant has 1,949 calories, 161 g of fat, and 4,100 mg of sodium — more than double the daily sodium limit for healthy adults.

* BEST: Vegetable Kabobs

Grilled vegetable kabobs offer a nutritious, low-calorie alternative to fried onions. If this isn’t on the menu, ask for a side of grilled vegetables as your appetizer. Veggie kabobs are also easy to make — try skewering onions, red and green bell peppers, mushrooms, tomatoes, and zucchini. Brush with a lower-fat garlic and herb marinade. Two large kabobs will have about 75 calories.

WORST: Spinach Artichoke Dip

Don’t let the word “spinach” fool you. Traditional spinach artichoke dip is not a healthy starter. A typical order contains about 1,600 calories, 100 g of fat, and 2,500 mg of sodium. The trouble is the cream base, which is loaded with saturated fat. If you make this dip at home, try using a base of nonfat Greek yogurt instead.

* BEST: Spinach Salad

photolibrary_rm_photo_of_spinach_saladThe best appetizers are low in calories, but satisfying enough to curb how much you eat during the rest of your meal. Salads made with spinach or other leafy greens do this very well. Studies suggest you’ll eat about 10% less during a meal if you start off with salad. A cup of fresh spinach with a tablespoon of vinaigrette has about 80 calories.

* BEST: Crab Cakes

Blake recommends using appetizers to work in healthy foods you might be eating too little of. Seared crab cakes offer an appealing way to get more seafood into your diet. Served with chili sauce, a typical crab cake has about 300 calories, 20 g of fat, and 960 mg sodium

WORST: Cheese Fries

The worst appetizers can “take over the meal,” Blake warns. “Some of them have more calories than the main entrée.” One offender is cheese fries — French fries with melted cheese on top. Variations may include bacon bits or ranch dressing. A full order packs up to 2,000 calories, 134 g of fat, and 2,800 mg of sodium — more than you should eat in a whole day.

WORST: Cheeseburger Sliders

Don’t be fooled by their size — “sliders” pack a lot of calories into a tiny sandwich. A typical restaurant order includes three mini-burgers with cheese and sauce, totaling 1,270 calories, 82 g of fat, and 2,310 mg of sodium.

* BEST: Beef Skewers

When you’re craving a meaty appetizer, opt for beef skewers. In Asian restaurants, this may be listed as beef satay — skewers of beef with peanut sauce. At home, you can grill skewers of lean beef with onions, garlic, hoisin, soy, and barbecue sauce. A quarter-pound serving has about 130 calories, 5 g of fat, and 803 mg sodium.

WORST: Loaded Potato Skins

Potato skins filled with melted cheese, meats, and sour cream are as fattening as they are tempting. “You’re taking a potato and adding saturated fats,” Blake cautions. At more than 150 calories a pop, the trick to enjoying these is to have just one. Devour a whole plateful and you’ll take in about 1,340 calories, 94 g of fat, and 1,850 mg of sodium.

* BEST: Stuffed Mushrooms

Stuffing mushrooms instead of potato skins helps keep the portion size down. Mushroom caps filled with cheese and breadcrumbs have less than 50 calories each. That means you can eat half a dozen and still keep your appetizer under 300 calories, along with 19 grams of fat, and 720 mg of sodium.

WORST: Fried Calamari

photolibrary_rf_photo_of_fried_calamariLike many forms of seafood, squid can be nutritious. But when you bread it and fry it in oil, you’re drenching it with calories and fat. A typical restaurant portion contains about 900 calories, 54 g of fat, and 2,300 mg of sodium — not including any sauce.

WORST: Mozzarella Sticks  There’s something about a stick of warm, gooey cheese that is irresistible — until you take a look at the nutritional facts. A typical order has 930 calories, 48 g of fat, and 2,640 mg of sodium. That puts mozzarella sticks pretty much on par with chicken wings.

* BEST: Shrimp Cocktail

Shrimp cocktail is very low in saturated fat and calories. It’s also a refreshing source of omega-3 fatty acids, which promote healthy circulation. To keep the calorie count low, stick to tomato-based sauce. A serving of shrimp with cocktail sauce has about 140 calories.

WORST: New England Clam Chowder

Clam chowder sounds like it should be healthy, especially as a way to take in some extra seafood. Unfortunately, the New England variety is made with a fattening cream base. A 12-ounce bowl contains about 630 calories, 54 g of fat, and 890 mg of sodium.

* BEST: Vegetable Soup

Like salad, having a bowl of soup can curb how much you eat during the rest of the meal. The key is choosing a low-calorie option, such as a tomato-based vegetable soup. A 12-ounce bowl has about 160 calories, 3.5 grams of fat, and 1,240 mg sodium. Stay away from cream-based vegetable soups, which are higher in calories and saturated fats. When buying canned soup, look for those marked “low in sodium.”

WORST: Chicken Wings

A typical appetizer portion of buffalo chicken wings has more than 700 calories and 40 g of fat. Ranch sauce adds another 200 calories and 20 g of fat. That’s 900 calories and 60 g of fat — not to mention more than 2,000 mg of sodium — before you even get to your main meal.

* BEST: Lettuce Wraps

If you’re craving spicy chicken, skip the wings and try lettuce wraps. You can make these at home by wrapping diced spicy chicken and vegetables in a lettuce leaf. Each wrap has 160 calories and 7 g of fat. If you order this appetizer at a restaurant, be sure to share. A plate of four wraps has a total of 640 calories, 28 g of fat, and 650 mg sodium.

* BEST: Edamame edamame3

Go out on a limb and try something entirely different. These green pods, known as edamame, are a popular appetizer in Asian restaurants. It’s fun to open the pods and pop the young soybeans into your mouth. One serving has 122 calories, and 5 g of fat.

* BEST: Sliced Peppers with Salsa

For a homemade alternative to chips and dip, try sliced peppers or other veggie sticks with salsa. Cut up red and green bell peppers and use them as tortilla chips for dipping in salsa. This is a fun way to sneak more vegetables into your diet. You can dip a whole pepper’s worth of “chips” and stay under 50 calories.

WORST: Chili Cheese Nachos

They may be a festive way to start an evening out, but nachos and cheese dip are among the least healthy appetizer choices. Eat an entire order yourself, and you’ll take in 1,680 calories, 107 g of fat, and 4,270 mg of sodium — nearly twice the recommended daily limit for sodium.

APP-Chili-Cheese-Nachos-LPicture source : www.hooters.com

9 Best Times To Drink Water

How do you feel about drinking water? Try these tips for identifying nine times that your body needs drinking water most.

1. Drink water when you first get up.

Refresh your system with a drink of water. Without water to “wake up and turn on” the body each day, you may be running on empty, especially if you skip breakfast altogether. Have a glass of cool water right after you wake up in the morning to tell your body it’s time to get started. Like a gently flowing stream that pushes along debris and rocks, your circulatory system needs fluid to get rid of stubborn free radicals and residue from burned calories that were used during the night’s metabolism.


2. Drink water before each meal.
Drinking water before a meal helps you feel fuller, so you may be less likely to attack your meal like a starving person.
Water helps prepare the stomach for the food that will follow, waking up taste buds on the tongue and moisturizing the stomach lining so brittle or acidic foods won’t be uncomfortable. Having a glass of water clears your mouth of dryness or leftover tastes from earlier dining, drinking, or smoking in anticipation of the food that is coming.

3. Drink water with a snack.
Between meals, if you feel hungry, try some fresh drinking water first to see if you are dehydrated. Sometimes people think they are hungry when they really are just thirsty.
If you shop at the grocery store or supermarket while dehydrated, chances are you are going to spend more to subconsciously fill that empty urge. Drinking water before a snack, or with one, will help you feel full faster and perhaps eat less, a habit that could benefit two-thirds of our nation that is considered overweight or obese.

4. Drink water before a workout.
Depending on the temperature, humidity, and your body’s fluid levels, you may need one or several glasses of water, each about eight ounces, to arm yourself against dehydration during an indoor or outdoor workout. Whether you play for a sports team or simply jog for personal fitness, hydration is essential to help guard against heat stroke in warm weather and frostbite in cold temperatures, as your body’s circulation plays a protective role in both seasons. Resized-istock_000003170112xsmall

5. Drink water after a workout.

Following your exercise session, drink up to replace fluids lost by sweating and physical labor.
Don’t drink too much too quickly, or you could induce stomach cramps. But make sure you drink enough so you don’t stay dehydrated.

6. Have water with your medication, if allowed.
If you are allowed to take water with your medication, do so. Water helps to dissolve the medication and spread it throughout your digestive organs for rapid absorption. Water prepares the tissues to receive the substance and put it to work right away.
Water also helps medicine work its way through your system and out the other end, which can be beneficial when you take harsh medications with side effects.

7. Drink more water to prevent illness following exposures.

If you are around sick people in the hospital or at work and school, drink a little more water than usual to wash away germs and viruses that your body may have picked up from exposure to these people.
A well-hydrated body helps to move along any invaders before they settle down and multiply in your system.
Drinking water each day before or after going out in public can help to prevent certain types of viruses, or lessen their severity.

8. Drink more water when you’re ill.

When you do become ill, drink plenty of fluids—the old-time recipe still works.
Most experts recommend drinking eight glasses of water each day (eight ounces per glass), in addition to other fluids like tea, juice, and soup. People in the hospital often have an IV dripping water into their vein continuously so they can keep hydrated as well as maintain a line to your body if medications are needed.
9. Have a glass of water when you’re tired.
Tired? Fatigued? Need a nap but can’t take one? Have a glass of water.
Because of its ability to move quickly throughout the body, water can reach your brain and activate it right before a meeting or other situation where you need to pay attention. Cold water, especially, will wake up your body to keep you alert.



12 Ways You May Be Hurting Your Immune System

It’s time to wise up to things you do every day that sap your immune system and slash your chances of staying healthy for the long haul……

  • Drinking Too Much Alcohol

Raise a glass too frequently and your health may suffer. Both drinking heavily on a single occasion and drinking often can compromise your immune system, according to researchers at the University of Massachusetts Medical School in Worcester who reviewed published studies on alcohol use, infection, inflammation and immunity from 2000 to 2008. Too much alcohol can leave you vulnerable to infections, poor wound healing, and heart, liver, and pancreatic diseases. “It’s not good for white blood cells [which defend the body against infectious diseases], either,” says Neil Schachter, M.D., professor of medicine at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York City and author of The Good Doctor’s Guide to Colds & Flu. Your best bet: Drink moderately, defined as a max of one drink per day for women and two for men

  • Eating Too Much Fat

High-fat diets may make certain immune system cells more sluggish and less functional, compromising their ability to protect you from illness. Fortunately, cutting back on fat can kick your immune function up a few notches. Researchers at Tufts University compared the effects of a typical Western diet (containing 38 percent fat) with a cholesterol-lowering diet (28 percent fat) on immune function. The findings: the lower-fat diet enhanced the function of T-cells, a type of white blood cell that helps ward off infections. Your to-do: Curb fat intake, particularly saturated and trans fats (polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats are healthy). For starters, try the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet or a Mediterranean diet, advises Dr. Schachter


  • Stress Overload

Chronic stress can take a toll on your body and mind — and your immune system isn’t, well, immune to these effects. “Ongoing stress suppresses circulation of immune cells, as well as inhibiting the activation of the immune response, which is key to clearing viruses and bacteria,” explains Bruce McEwen, Ph.D., head of the Harold and Margaret Milliken Hatch Laboratory of Neuroendocrinology at Rockefeller University in New York City and author of The End of Stress As We Know It. Recent research from Tel-Aviv University in Israel found that continuous stress can even disrupt the effectiveness of pharmacological and behavioral treatments designed to stimulate immune function. Get ahead of your stress by incorporating meditation, yoga or deep breathing into your daily life. Do it for the sake of your peace of mind and your immune system.

  • Skimping on Sleep

Healthy women who get less sleep have sluggish “natural killer” cells, a type of white blood cells that defend against tumors and viral infections, according to research at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York City. Research from Germany also suggests that adequate sleep is important for T-cell function. According to McEwen, too little sleep triggers elevated levels of cortisol (the stress hormone) and triggers the inflammatory response, both of which compromise the immune system. The inflammatory response is part of the immune system’s defenses against injury, helping to repair it. When it’s inadvertently triggered, it can actually cause tissue damage. So make sleep a priority. Most experts recommend seven to nine hours a night. If you do lose sleep one night, make up for it with a midday nap.

  • Being Overweight

obesity02wj6Being overweight can wreak havoc on your immune system: The body’s fat tissue produces hormones that activate the immune system’s inflammatory response, according to researchers. The potential fallout: These elevated inflammatory substances can increase your risk of developing heart disease, type 2 diabetes, cancer and other diseases. (Obesity can also depress T-cell function, says Schachter.) Fortunately, losing weight — by decreasing your calorie intake and increasing your calorie burn through physical activity — can help improve immune function, Schachter says. In a study at Tufts University, researchers had slightly overweight adults with elevated cholesterol levels go on a low-fat diet (with 15 percent of their daily calories from fat). After 12 weeks, the subjects lost weight, lowered their cholesterol and boosted their immune response. That’s called a triple win!

  • Experiencing the Letdown Effect

Have you ever wondered why you can make it through a pressure-packed series of deadlines with your health intact, only to get sick on vacation? This phenomenon, called “the letdown effect,” has to do with a too-rapid de-stressing process that sparks physiological changes in the body, lowering immunity and increasing inflammation, according to Marc Schoen, Ph.D., assistant professor of medicine at the UCLA School of Medicine. “When the stress is over, you’re left in a physiologically vulnerable state so any germs you may encounter pretty much have an open window to make you sick.” To avoid this, help your body downshift gradually out of stress mode: Engage in short bursts of exercise (like a 5-minute brisk walk or jog), mental problem-solving stints (like playing Scrabble or board games) or relaxation-visualization techniques that create a floating feeling in your body, Schoen advises. “Doing any of these two to three times a day for a few days after the stress ends will kick up your immune response and help you avoid the letdown effect.”

  • Leading the Frequent-Flier Life

Chronic jet lag can hurt your immune system. The diminished immune function isn’t related to sleep loss, but disruptions to the body’s internal clock (though researchers don’t know precisely why). What to do if you’re a frequent, long-distance flier? “Those who travel frequently should make sure they get adequate sleep, and do things that improve health for anyone — eat well, exercise and reduce stress,” advises study coauthor Alec Davidson, Ph.D., assistant professor of neurobiology at Morehouse. That way, you can improve your chances of having a bon voyage!


  • Being a Member of the Lonely-Hearts Club

According to research from Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, lonely college students with small social networks had a poor antibody response to the flu shot. Similarly, older adults who didn’t have much social support also had a diminished response to the flu vaccine, according to research from the University of Rochester Medical Center in Rochester, New York. Consider this a good reason to stay socially connected — by making new friends and acquaintances and reaching out to old ones regularly.

  • Repressing Your Feelings

Research suggests that repressing your emotions can have a detrimental effect on immunity. Stifling your feelings instead of actively coping with an ongoing crisis or frustration can strain your entire body, influencing your immune, cardiovascular, and hormonal system in negative ways, explains James Pennebaker, Ph.D., professor and chair of psychology at the University of Texas at Austin. The solution: Express your feelings about upsetting issues in order to deal with the emotional stress. A study at King’s College in London found that writing about a traumatic event led to enhanced healing of physical wounds over three weeks. People who wrote about traumatic events had a stronger immune response to the hepatitis B vaccine, according to research at the University of Auckland Medical School in New Zealand. “Writing or talking about an unresolved trauma helps you put the event into perspective, organize it, and ultimately get through it,” notes Pennebaker, author of The Secret Life of Pronouns: What Our Words Say About Us. “Afterwards, people sleep better, feel and think better, and have richer social lives,” all of which can bolster the immune system.

  • A Vitamin or Mineral Deficiency

Deficiencies in vitamins A, C, B-6, D, E, and folic acid, and insufficient levels of the minerals selenium, zinc, iron and copper can negatively alter immune function even if the deficiencies are relatively mild, according to numerous studies. So it pays to make a concerted effort to consume all the nutrients your body needs from a well-balanced diet. If you can’t get all the vitamins and minerals you need from food, talk to your doctor about taking a multivitamin and mineral supplement. Your immune function may depend on it.

  • Prolonged Depression and Grieving

images878789Research from Belgium found that people who had major depression or a chronic form of mild depression also had depressed immune systems, particularly the natural killer cells. Similarly, research at the University of Birmingham in the U.K. found that women experiencing bereavement due to the recent death of their husbands had significant reductions in natural killer cell activity. The take-home message: If the depression interferes with your ability to function in everyday life for longer than a few weeks, or the grieving process does not improve over several months, seek professional help. Besides improving the quality of your life, treating depression or prolonged grief with psychotherapy and/or medication may make a difference to your immune function, too.

  • Being Surrounded by Noise

If it seems as though your world is getting louder and louder, your immune system has probably noticed, too. Excess noise has long been recognized as a form of environmental stress, one you often don’t have any control over. Now, research from Japan suggests that chronic exposure to noise may suppress immune function on a cellular level, as well as antibody responses, which can increase your susceptibility to illnesses and infections. Try to turn down the volume in your life by upgrading to quieter appliances, installing double- or triple-pane windows or wearing ear plugs at bedtime.

Sleep Myths


  • Health problems have no relation to the amount and quality of a person’s sleep?

False: More and more scientific studies are showing correlations between poor quality sleep and/or insufficient sleep with a variety of diseases, including high blood pressure, diabetes, and depression. For example, insufficient sleep can impair the body’s ability to use insulin, which can lead to the development of more severe diabetes. Patients with poorly controlled diabetes and sleep apnea have improvement of blood sugar control when treated for sleep apnea. This is also found in patients with high blood pressure and sleep apnea. When the sleep apnea is treated, the blood pressure also improves. In addition, too little sleep may decrease growth hormone secretion, which has been linked to obesity.

  • Older people need less sleep.

False: The average adult needs a total sleep time of seven to nine hours per day. While sleep patterns usually change as we age, the amount of sleep we generally need does not. Older people may sleep less at night due, in part, to frequent night waking, but their need for sleep is no less than that of younger adults.

  • Snoring can be harmful.

True: Aside from bothering other people, snoring is not harmful. However, it can be a sign of sleep apnea, a sleep disorder that is associated with significant medical problems such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Sleep apnea is characterized by episodes of reduced or no airflow throughout the night. People with sleep apnea may remember waking up frequently during the night gasping for breath.social_snoring

  • You can “cheat” on the amount of sleep you get.

False: Sleep experts say that most adults need between seven and nine hours of sleep each night for optimal health. Getting fewer hours of sleep will eventually need to be replenished with additional sleep in the next few nights. Our body does not seem to get used to less sleep than it needs.

  • Teens need more sleep than adults.

True: Teens need at least 8.5 to 9.25 hours of sleep each night, compared to an average of seven to nine hours each night for most adults. The internal biological clocks of teenagers can keep them awake later in the evening and can interfere with waking up in the morning.

  • Insomnia is characterized only by difficulty falling asleep.

False: One or more of the following four symptoms are usually associated with insomnia:

– Difficulty falling asleep

– Waking up too early and not being able to get back to sleep

– Frequent awakenings

– Waking up feeling unrefreshed

  • Daytime sleepiness means a person is not getting enough sleep.

False: While excessive daytime sleepiness often occurs if you don’t get enough sleep, it can also occur even after a good night’s sleep. Such sleepiness can be a sign of an underlying medical condition or sleep disorder such as narcolepsy or sleep apnea.

  • Your brain rests during sleep.

False: The body rests during sleep, not the brain. The brain remains active, gets recharged, and still controls many body functions including breathing during sleep.

  • If you wake up in the middle of the night and can’t fall back to sleep you should get out of bed and do something.

True: If you wake up in the night and can’t fall back to sleep within about 15-20 minutes, get out of bed and do something relaxing. Do not sit in bed and watch the clock. Experts recommend going into another room to read or listen to music. Return to bed only when you feel tired.

  • Getting too little sleep may impact weight.

True: How much a person sleeps at night can impact their weight. This is because the amount of sleep a person gets can affect certain hormones, specifically the hormones leptin and ghrelin, that affect appetite. Leptin and ghrelin work in a kind of “checks and balances” system to control feelings of hunger and fullness. Ghrelin, which is produced in the gastrointestinal tract, stimulates appetite, while leptin, produced in fat cells, sends a signal to the brain when you are full. When you don’t get enough sleep, it drives leptin levels down, which means you don’t feel as satisfied after you eat, and increases ghrelin levels, stimulating your appetite so you want more food. The two combined can set the stage for overeating, which in turn may lead to weight gain.

Best Diet … The 20 easiest tips

Here are some tips for dieting to reach your goal weight.  I dedicate this post to my lovely bestfriend, PITUT.

Tip  1: Drink plenty of water or other calorie-free beverages.
Before you tear into that bag of potato chips, drink a glass of water first. People sometimes confuse thirst with hunger, so you can end up eating extra calories when an ice-cold glass of water is really all you needed. If plain water doesn’t cut it, try drinking flavored sparkling water or brewing a cup of fruit-infused herbal tea.

Tip 2: Be choosy about nighttime snacks.100cal

Mindless eating occurs most frequently after dinner, when you finally sit down and relax. Snacking in front of the TV is one of the easiest ways to throw your diet off course. Either close down the kitchen after a certain hour, or allow yourself a low-calorie snack, like a 100-calorie pack of cookies or a half-cup scoop of low-fat ice cream.

Tip 3: Enjoy your favorite foods.

Instead of cutting out your favorite foods altogether, be a slim shopper. Buy one fresh bakery cookie instead of a box, or a small portion of candy from the bulk bins instead of a whole bag. You can still enjoy your favorite foods — the key is moderation

Tip 4: Eat several mini-meals during the day.

If you eat fewer calories than you burn, you’ll lose weight. But when you’re hungry all the time, eating fewer calories can be a challenge. “Studies show people who eat 4-5 meals or snacks per day are better able to control their appetite and weight,” says obesity researcher Rebecca Reeves, DrPH, RD. She recommends dividing your daily calories into smaller meals or snacks and enjoying most of them earlier in the day — dinner should be the last time you eat.

Tip 5: Eat protein at every meal.

Protein is the ultimate fill-me-up food — it’s more satisfying than carbs or fats and keeps you feeling full for longer. It also helps preserve muscle mass and encourages fat burning. So be sure to incorporate healthy proteins like seafood, lean meat, egg whites, yogurt, cheese, soy, nuts, or beans into your meals and snacks.

Tip 6: Spice it up.
Add spices or chilies to your food for a flavor boost that can help you feel satisfied. “Food that is loaded with flavor will stimulate your taste buds and be more satisfying, so you won’t eat as much,” says American Dietetic Association spokeswoman Malena Perdomo, RD. When you need something sweet, suck on a red-hot fireball candy. It’s sweet, spicy, and low in calories.

Tip 7: Stock your kitchen with healthy, convenient foods.

Having ready-to-eat snacks and meals-in-minutes on hand sets you up for success. You’ll be less likely to hit the drive-through or order a pizza if you can throw together a healthy meal in five or 10 minutes. Here are some essentials to keep on hand: frozen vegetables, whole-grain pasta, reduced-fat cheese, canned tomatoes, canned beans, pre-cooked grilled chicken breast, whole grain tortillas or pitas, and bags of salad greens.

Tip 8: Order children’s portions at restaurants.

ChickfilA Healthy Kids Meal

Ordering a child-size entree is a great way to cut calories and keep your portions reasonable. This has become such a popular trend that most servers won’t bat an eye when you order off the kids’ menu. Another trick is to use smaller plates. This helps the portions look like more, and if your mind is satisfied, your stomach likely will be, too.

Tip 9: Swap a cup of pasta for a cup of vegetables.

Simply by eating less pasta or bread and more veggies, you could lose a dress or pants size in a year. “You can save from 100-200 calories if you reduce the portion of starch on your plate and increase the amount of vegetables,” says Cynthia Sass, RD, a spokeswoman for the American Dietetic Association.

Tip 10: Always eat breakfast.

It seems like an easy diet win: Skip breakfast and you’ll lose weight. Yet some studies show the opposite can be true. Not eating breakfast can make you hungry later, leading to too much nibbling and binge eating at lunch and dinner. To lose weight — and keep it off — always make time for a healthy morning meal, like high-fiber cereal, low-fat milk, and fruit.

Tip 11: Include fiber in your diet.

Fiber aids digestion, prevents constipation, and lowers cholesterol — and can help with weight loss. Most Americans get only half the fiber they need. To reap fiber’s benefits, most women should get about 25 grams daily, while men need about 38 grams — or 14 grams per 1,000 calories. Good fiber sources include oatmeal, beans, whole grain foods, and a variety of fruits and vegetables. Fiber

Tip 12: Clean the cupboards of fattening foods.

If you have chips in the pantry and ice cream in the freezer, you’re making weight loss harder than it has to be. Reduce temptation by purging the cupboards of fattening foods. Want an occasional treat? Make sure you have to leave the house to get it — preferably by walking.

Tip 13: Lose weight slowly.

If you’re losing weight but not as fast as you’d like, don’t get discouraged. Dropping pounds takes time, just like gaining them did. Experts suggest setting a realistic weight loss goal of about one to two pounds a week. If you set your expectations too high, you may give up when you don’t lose weight fast enough. Remember, you start seeing health benefits when you’ve lost just 5%-10% of your body weight.

Tip 14: Weigh yourself once a week.

People who weigh themselves regularly tend to have more weight loss success. But most experts suggest weighing yourself only once a week, so you’re not derailed by daily fluctuations. When you weigh yourself, follow these tips: Weigh yourself at the same time of day, on the same day of the week, on the same scale, and in the same clothes.

Tip 15: Get enough sleep.

When you’re sleep deprived, your body overproduces the appetite-stimulating hormone ghrelin but under-produces the hormone leptin, which tells you when you’re full. Getting enough sleep may make you feel rested and full and keep you from doing unnecessary snacking.

Tip No. 16: Understand portion sizes.


portion-controlWe’re so used to super-sizing when we eat out that it’s easy to carry that mind-set home. To right-size your diet, use a kitchen scale and measuring cups to measure your meals for a week or two. Use smaller plates and glasses to downsize your portions. Split restaurant servings in half — making two meals out of one big one. Portion out snack servings instead of eating them directly from the container.

Tip 17: Eat more fruits and vegetables.

The best “diet” is one where you get to eat more food, not less. If you eat more fruits and vegetables, you shouldn’t feel as hungry because these nutrient-rich foods are also high in fiber and water, which can give you a feeling of fullness. Snacking can be a good thing as long as you choose smart snacks.

Tip 18: Limit alcohol to weekends.

Alcohol contains empty calories: a five-ounce glass of wine has 125, a bottle of beer about 153. Because our bodies don’t use those calories well, they usually get converted directly into fat. If you enjoy an occasional drink, consider a compromise. Enjoy your favorite alcoholic beverage on weekends only, with just one drink for women per day, two for men.

Tip 19: Chew sugarless gum.


The next time you want to grab a fattening snack, reach for some sugar-free gum instead. Chewing some types of gum gives you fresh breath and can also help manage hunger, control snack cravings, and aid in weight loss. (Keep in mind, however, that excess sorbitol, a sugar alcohol sometimes used in low calorie gums, can have an laxative effect in some people.) Although gum might make you eat less, it doesn’t mean you can stop eating right. A good diet and exercise are still important.

Tip 20: Keep a food diary.

A simple pen and paper can dramatically boost your weight loss. Studies show the act of writing down what you eat and drink tends to make you more aware of what, when, and how much you’re consuming — leading you to ultimately take in fewer calories. One study found that people who kept a food diary six days a week lost about twice as much as those who only kept a diary one day a week or less.

There are different way that help you to have a good diet.

Tip 21: Celebrate success (but not with food).

You lost five pounds this month and walked every other day? Time to celebrate! Rewarding weight loss success really can encourage more success, so revel in your achievements. Buy a CD, take in a movie, and set a prize for the next milestone. Just don’t celebrate with a sundae or deep dish pizza.

Tip 22: Get help from family and friends.

Getting support can help you reach your weight loss goals. So tell family and friends about your efforts to lead a healthy lifestyle. Maybe they’ll join you in exercising, eating right, and losing weight. When you feel like giving up, they’ll help you, keep you honest, and cheer you on — making the whole experience a lot easier.


10 surprising things every WIFE must know about her HUSBAND


10 surprising things every WIFE must know about her HUSBAND

You can probably spout off a lot of info about your husband — his middle name, where he was born, his favorite food. Although you recently said “I do” or just celebrated a double-digit anniversary, but knowing these 10 other things can bring you closer than ever. Try these relationship strategies to ensure your husband is anything but a mystery and find out WHY……

1. When He Needs Space

SHARING office news, the kids’ schedules and the latest neighborhood drama as soon as your husband walks in the door each night can backfire. “Most women want to immediately connect at the end of the day. For a lot of guys, they need their space more than ever then,” says Les Parrott III, PhD, a psychology professor and co-author (with wife and marriage therapist Leslie Parrott, EdD) of The Good Fight: How Conflict Can Bring You Closer. Give your hubby a few minutes to unwind when he comes home. You’re more likely to get his undivided attention if you wait.

2. When He’s Really Listening

IF it seems images1like your husband constantly tunes you out, consider this: Men may look at other areas of the room while still paying attention, according to Deborah Tannen, author of You Just Don’t Understand: Women and Men in Conversation, who reviewed videotapes of same-sex best friends talking. Rather than focus on where your husband’s gaze lands during conversations, note how he responds to you. If your words are truly falling on deaf ears, Rachel A. Sussman, a relationship specialist and author of The Breakup Bible, suggests gently telling him you feel he isn’t listening; then, let him respond. “Don’t accuse or blame him,” she advises.

3. The Most Productive Way to Fight…

ARGUMENTS happen in any good marriage. But there’s a wrong and right way to fight. Through a study conducted to predict how long couples would stay married, researchers discovered, not surprisingly, that yelling during fights often led to divorce-but so did approaching arguments differently from one’s spouse (say, one spoke calmly and the other avoided the conversation). “Ask yourself, ‘When would I want to have this conversation?'” suggests Sussman. “Then, think about what might work best for your husband.” Assessing both your moods can help you pinpoint the best time for a constructive argument.

4. …And When an Argument is Going Nowhere

FOR some disagreements, there’s just no productive way to fight it out. To find out if you’re gearing up for a purposeful fight, rate the importance of the topic. If it’s a core value-like how to raise your children or which city to live in-rank it highly. If it’s not-like the color of a new bedspread or what to have for dinner-it may not be worth an argument. Next, determine if you and your husband are ready for the discussion. If either of you are “tired, hungry or distracted, don’t get into a conversation about something important,” Dr. Leslie Parrott advises.

5. Which Topics Set Him Off

MAYBE it’s talking about his mom’s flavorless cooking-or his late nights at work. Dr. Les Parrott says it’s important to “know where the emotional landmines are. If you step on one, you can expect an explosion,” he says. But you can’t avoid all “hot topics.” “Find the right space and time to talk about these issues,” he suggests. Plus, try to understand your husband’s side, and then approach him in a non-threatening way. You might say, “I’m not looking to upset you; I’m just looking for a solution to an issue that’s causing me a lot of pain,” Sussman offers.

6. How (and When) to Be His Support System

COUPLES who say they have strong spousal support and face daily stress have 50% higher rates of marriage satisfaction, according to a 2012 study. While wives equate affection and warmth with support, husbands feel supported when they’re appreciated, needed and receiving offers to help with errands. Not sure if your hubby needs you? Ask him. “Mindreading is outlawed,” says Jackie Black, PhD, a board-certified couples’ coach and author of Meeting Your Match: Cracking the Code to Successful Relationships. Volunteer to tackle some tasks on his list so he can recharge. And tell him how much you appreciate him as a partner to give him a boost.

7. When He’s Not Loving Your Love Life


IF your man isn’t showing signs he wants to have sex-perhaps he usually kisses your neck or gives you a telltale look-then it’s time to rekindle the fire. Dr. Leslie Parrott says couples reconnect when they try out-of-the-box activities together. “Women experience intimacy through communication, so we often underplay sharing something novel,” she says. Plan a date thats’ll get you both in the mood. Some ideas: Sign up for a race, head to the museum or take a cooking class to, ahem, turn up the heat.

8. How He Views His Role as Husband and Father

WHETHER it’s just you two or you plus kids, you and your husband have equally important family roles. And it’s vital that you recognize how he views his part and respect it. “Of course that’s a two-way street, but it’s even more important for men,” says Dr. Les Parrott, who adds that respecting his role helps him feel close to you. Fight the urge to cast your husband into specific parts without his input. And keep in mind that you don’t always have to be in sync with parenting. “Differences in tebryan-forbes_2559793bmperament and style are key to parents’ success and the enjoyment of parenting,” Dr. Black says.

9. What His Dream Job (or Vacation or Car) Is

IT’S easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of day-to-day life, but happy couples discuss “each other’s hopes and dreams to build and sustain intimacy,” says Dr. Black. Make it a point to regularly talk to your husband about, well, him. Find out his career goals for the next few years-or just hear about his favorite book, TV show or food of the moment. Then, reciprocate by telling him more about you. Communication helps you grow with each other instead of apart.

10. That You Don’t Know Everything About Him

NO matter how much you communicate with your husband, you can never completely know him, and that’s OK. “It’s never good to believe you know anything about your partner for sure and therefore not ask,” says Dr. Black. “It’s vital that you and your husband continually get to know each other,” adds Sussman. “If you’re growing, you have to continue to catch up with each other.” That means there’s at least one enjoyable thing you can do each week: get to know-and fall in love with-your husband all over again.

Source :
Daily Express,
Wed, Sept 11 2013